Model Making.
Bringing ideas to life and transforming them into a physical form is something I really enjoy doing :). In 2020, I successfully completed a Prosthetics and FX-effects training at Gorton Studio in Aylesbury (UK) to learn more about hyperrealism techniques, mold making and working with silicones, resin, epoxy etc. Below are some examples of my model making work.
Are you looking for someone to help you translate your ideas / texts / knowledge into physical form? Feel free to contact me, I'd love to see if I can help you!
For work in progress, check out my Instagram page.
Cellulose fiber models for solo exhibition Digesting Tubes
Year: 2024 - 2025
In collaboration with: Groote Museum ARTIS
With support of: Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
Materials: cellulose fiber (Koppert Cress) & corn starch.
*the large models contain a metal frame and a layer of expoxy coating for strenght.
Hawaiian Bobtail Squids and of Flashlight Fishes
— Interactive installation about Bioluminescence for ARTIS Micropia
For process photos, videos and explanations please check Instagram
Year: 2024
Client: ARTIS Micropia
Materials: silicone
Installed in ARTIS Micropia.
The Hawaiian bobtail squid uses bioluminescent bacteria in a light organ in its mantle, allowing it to camouflage itself effectively.
Silicone Hawaiian Bobtail squids in the dark
The flashlight fish has a light organ under its eyes filled with bioluminescent bacteria. These bacteria produce light, helping the fish navigate and hunt in the dark—an intriguing example of oceanic symbiosis.
Flashlight fishes in the dark
Educational models for new lion enclosure ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoo
For process photos, videos and explanations please check Instagram
Year: 2023-2024
Client: ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoo
Dimensions: life-size
Materials: silicone, resin, epoxy, bronze powder
The Microbial Renaissance —
handmade models of novel food proteins inspired by AI generated images
Year: 2024
Dimensions: 10cm x 10cm x 10cm
Materials: silicone, epoxy resin.
Culinair Cellulair — Future Dishes.
Year: 2023
Dimensions: 15cm x 15cm x 15cm
Materials: clay, silicone, epoxy resin, acrylic paint.
Savoury steamed wakame with prawn x bee and chili cress.
Juicy grilled chimpanzee with lion’s mane and artichoke.
Creamy Ansault pear x orchid with cucumber and Yka leaves.
Making molds.
Clay sculpt wakame layer.
Cucumber layer from silicone and fast cast.
Anatomical model Green Edible Frog.
Year: 2023, based on pictures of SOMSO model.
Dimensions: 29cm x 15cm x 5cm
Materials: polymerclay sculpt, silicone mold, resin cast, acrylic paint
Kune Kune Pig.
Year: 2022, Gorton Studio final project
Dimensions: 80 x 22 x 32cm
Materials: silicone, synthetic hair, biscuit foam, paint, resin
Gut-Microbe Cube.
Interactive element as part of the Supermarket 2050 exhibition to make the information about the importance of our gut microbiome less abstract and more interactive.
Year: 2022
Dimensions: 20cm x 20cm x 20cm
Weight: 1.5kg (weight of our gut microbiota)
Materials: clay sculpt, silicone mold and cast, biscuit foam
Client: Embassy of Food, Dutch Design Foundation
XL Faux Fastfood.
Year: 2022
Materials: plaster, chicken wire, acrylic paint
Dimensions: +/- 35cm length / diameter
Client: Embassy of Food, Dutch Design Foundation